The Best Marketing and Sales Content

Sometimes I feel like my brain is full (or maybe just my inbox). There is just SO much great content out there. So, we thought we’d share with you some of our favourite articles, blogs and content on our favourite 321 topics – sales, marketing, product and people.

Here’s 3 blogs or sites that I keep coming back to, again and again, and why I love ‘em…

  1. Both Sides of the Table 

Both Sides of the Table is written by Mark Suster – an entrepreneur turned VC. What I love about Mark’s blog is that it’s not a typical investor blog. You can tell Mark is an operator. He’s run companies. He’s had to sell, build traction, create great products, deal with unhappy customers. So his blogs are all great lessons from his own experience, as well as what he’s seeing in his portfolio and the broader market. Several of his blogs are my all-time-favourites, including:


I love blogs from Steli at is a CRM solution focused on sales efficiency. What I love is that before, Steli led a team of contract sales folks. So he’s lived in the trenches, and has great stories and experiences to share – and he does share them, including what he’s learned from his own mistakes.

Here’s a handful of my favourites for your reading pleasure!

  1. Copyhackers 

Copyhackers is founded by Joanna Wiebe – a conversion-oriented copywriter who’s worked for agencies and industry giants like Buffer, Shipify, Tesco and more. The company’s website has a ton of great resources, including a fantastic e-book series on writing for conversion, which many of my marketing friends have received as a gift. She also has countless great blog posts on both copywriting and growth marketing. Here are a few of our favourites:

This post originally appeared on Alberta Enterprise Corporation’s Start Alberta portal.