Advisory services.

Get C-level sales & marketing guidance.

When you partner with 321, you get strategic guidance & coaching from battle-tested entrepreneurs who have deep expertise in sales & marketing—and no tolerance for fluff. We’re tough, sharp, and kind—and you’ll feel all of that as we work on your business together.

How we help.

Shatter your growth ceiling. Starting right now.

This is why we’re here. To help companies with strong foundations and business fundamentals break through to the next level of growth. If you’re ready to win, we’re ready to help.

Understand what’s working and what’s not

When you’re in the weeds, it’s hard to know what to change and what to keep. We’ll diagnose what’s not working in your business—and then we’ll help you fix it.

Tap into C-level sales & marketing guidance 

If you’re making high-leverage strategic decisions, the best counsel comes from entrepreneurs who’ve built, grown and advised startups, scaleups and mature companies. That’s us.

Get expert coaching for your junior & mid-level staff

We love coaching junior and mid-level team members. Getting your existing team leveled up is one of your strongest growth levers. We’ll help you pull it.

Stay focused, stay accountable

We hold you accountable to what you need to do to reach your growth ambitions. This is where many executive teams fall down. We’ll help you get on track and stay on track.

Meet your advisors.

Chantel Elliott and Sarah Morrill have led major sales & marketing initiatives for innovative startups, scaleups and mature companies.
Chantel Elliott

Chantel has 25+ years of marketing leadership experience in startups, large organizations, and marketing agencies and over 10 years as an entrepreneur. As Partner at Material Insight, Chantel provided strategic marketing leadership to over 24 technology and innovation companies over 9 years. Chantel is also a certified leadership coach (CPCC, ACC).

Sarah Morrill

Sarah has 20+ years of industry experience, with marketing leadership and business development roles at startups, scaleups and big brands. She’s been engaged in the technology and innovation ecosystem for over a decade. For 7 years she has also been a mentor to entrepreneurs and the program leader at the Venture Mentoring Services of Alberta (VMSA).

No fluff. Just real impact.

Key outcomes: What to expect when you work with 321.

Aligned & focused

We get your team—everyone from sales to marketing to customer success—on the same page. Then we coach them up as they execute a highly-focused growth strategy.

Building momentum

You’ll build momentum across your business as the wins pile up: a brand that stands out, better targeting of quality leads, a healthier pipeline—and higher close rates. This is the way.

Growing rapidly

Once your engine is built and calibrated, you’ll start to see your revenue numbers moving beyond incremental growth into the place you always knew they could go.

Our alumni companies are killing it.

Companies have trusted us.


Of our alumni reported growth.


Of our alumni actually doubled revenues.


Our world-class NPS score.

How it works.
We build a custom program for your business.
Strategic input when you need it

Strategy is about what you lean into. And what you walk away from. We provide guidance on both of those things, in regular meetings or as part of your strategic planning process.

Team & one-on-one coaching

We can work with your team as a group and one-on-one. That helps you get your junior members, new hires & struggling staff all up to speed, while everybody gets on the same page.

Understand your resource needs

Do you need to hire senior talent? Bring on specialized consultants? Just get your existing team leveled up? And where should you put your marketing spend? We help you understand all that.

In-person or virtual options

We can meet virtually with you and your team or come in for in-person sessions. We make sure to understand your culture and what kind of program will work best for you.

What our alumni companies are saying about us.

I’ve worked with 321 repeatedly because 1) they’re great at offering strategic input 2) they helped us clarify our go-to-market strategy and 3) they’ve helped keep me and my team accountable for executing. You can’t win if you don’t execute. With 321, we do.”

Ryan Hurlbut, Founder & President

321 helped us realize the potential of our sales team. But they went beyond that. They also helped guide our campaign development and prospecting plans as we launched a new product and entered a new market.”

Randy Brown, CEO
Boreal Laser

321’s expert coaching helped our new junior marketing hire get up to speed rapidly. You wouldn’t normally expect immediate impact from someone at that level but with 321’s help, we saw more focus right out of the gate, and quicker impact in everything from sales collateral development to campaign-driven lead generation.”

Jill Viccars, CGO
Aerium Analytics
asked questions
How are 321 advisory services delivered?

Primarily we deliver sessions virtually but we can arrange in-person sessions as necessary. We’re flexible in how we schedule your sessions and the form they take. We usually do regular team sessions every two weeks to build and maintain momentum but we may also schedule longer deep dive strategic sessions to dig into your more challenging initiatives. There is a minimum 6-month commitment regardless of the cadence of our work together. 

How experienced is 321 in sales and marketing?

Very. In fact, we’ve helped over 500 companies transform their sales and marketing over the last decade. We’re experienced entrepreneurs with decades of collective experience in sales & marketing and we bring coaching certifications—so we know what works, what doesn’t, and how to make sure our clients get the impact they need. One key learning? You need to work on your business from day one. Theory is important. Results are critical. So, we get you right to work from the first week.

What is it like to work with us?

Well, there’s no fluff and no nonsense. We’re there to make sure you get real results. So we’re tough. But we’re also kind. We understand the entrepreneurial journey, the challenges you’re facing—and how to break through growth barriers. We’ll get you moving quickly and keep you accountable so you can win.

Who should join the advisory sessions from my team?

That’s up to you! We can tailor a bespoke program for your senior growth leaders or junior-to-intermediate team members in sales & marketing (and customer success). Or we can work with all of you in targeted sessions. It’s never one-size-fits-all. When we set up our work together, we’ll develop a plan that works best for your company and people.

Who’s a good fit for advisory sessions?

Ideally, you would have already been through 321 programming in some form (e.g. our team-focused sales & marketing training). Why does that matter? You need a strong strategic foundation to realize the optimal value from advisory and that’s exactly what our training programs deliver. That foundation allows us to be more efficient in our work together so you can grow faster.

How long can we work together?

We’re flexible on that. We want to give you the support you need to hit your growth goals. The minimum commitment is 6 months but we can certainly go longer than that if necessary.

What types of things can you help with?

We can help with a large number of common challenges in scaling (and soon-to-be-scaling) organizations. These include: 

  • Coaching your new junior or intermediate hires to get them onboarded & contributing as quickly as possible.
  • Strategic counsel and guidance on your campaign plans, expansion decisions, messaging and positioning.
  • Leadership and support in assessing what’s working & what’s not, and designing discovery work to uncover customer insights.
  • Support on overcoming sales objections and analyzing your sales pipeline health.
  • Improving your sales processes, and developing prospecting cadences & outreach materials/messaging.
  • On-demand strategic input as you test new approaches to growth and acting as a collaboration partner in designing tests.
Do you support us with the execution of sales & marketing plans? 

We only provide strategic guidance, planning and process development. We’re not in the execution business. However, we are happy to introduce you to the sales & marketing experts and fractional talent in the 321 Network who are great at what they do. They can help bring your strategies and plans to life.

How much do 321 advisory services cost?

It depends on your specific needs, challenges and where you are in your growth journey. But it’s less costly (and risky) than making expensive hiring mistakes or bringing on a CRO salary. Let’s talk and we can figure out something that makes sense for where you are and where you want to be.